From Uraiyur and Thanjavur

Concept Explanation

From Uraiyur and Thanjavur

From Uraiyur to Thanjavur: A minor chiefly family known as the Muttaraiyar held power in the  Kaveri delta. They were subordinate to the Pallava kings of Kanchipuram held power in delta. In the middle of 9th century Vijayalaya, who belonged to the ancient chiefly family of the Cholas from Uraiyur , captured the delta from the Muttaraiyar in the middle of the ninth century. He built the town of Thanjavur and a temple for goddess Nishumbhasudini there.

The successors of Vijayalaya  conquered neighbouring regions and the kingdom grew in size and power .The Pandyan and the Pallava  territories to the south and north were made part of this kingdom. Rajaraja I, Considered the most powerful Chola ruler,and  expanded control over most of these areas . Meanwhile , Rajaraja I,  one of the most powerful Chola ruler,became king in 985,expanded control over most of these areas and he also reorganized the administration of the empire. Rajaraja’s son Rajendra I continued his policies and even raided the Ganga valley, Sri Lanka and countries of Southeast Asia, developing a navy for these expeditions.

The lives of ordinary men and women during the Chola empire: Chola empire the Periyapuranam , a twelfth- century Tamil work , tell us about the lives of ordinary men and women in the following way:

  • On the outskirts of Adanur was a small hamlet of Pulaiyas, name used for a social group considered "outcastes" by Brahmanas and Vellalas.
  • The Hamlet was studded with small huts under old thatches and inhabited by agarian labourers who were engaged in meninal occupations .
  • The threshold of the huts were covered with strips of leather , little chickens moved about in groups , dark children who wore bracelets of black iron were playing around were  carrying little puppies . In the shade of Marudu (Arjuna) trees, a female,labourer put her baby to sleep on a sheet of leather , there were the mangoes trees from whose branches drums were hanging ; and under the coconut palms , in little hallows on the ground , tiny -headed bitches lay after whelping . The red-crested cocks crowed before dawn calling the brawny Pulaiyar (plural) to their day's work ; and by day , under the shade of the kanji tree spread the voice of the wavy-haired Pulaiya women singing as they were husking paddy.

    Sample Questions
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